Uncategorized December 29, 2023

Setting Intentions Instead of Resolutions

I love me a fresh start!  I love new challenges, new weeks, new months, new years, new anything.  However, according to U.S. News, 80% is the estimated failure rate for New Year’s Resolutions, by mid-February.  By the time someone is my age and they’ve made the same “resolution” for 20+ years, do they even really believe they’re going to accomplish it, are they actually committing to it, or is it just a wish?

I’ve also recently learned that your subconscious cannot differentiate between something vividly imagined and something actually experienced, your brain enjoys both equally.  Whoa… Ultimately, the reason we make all these resolutions is because we want to FEEL a certain way.

I decided this year to set some intentions of how I can experience the feelings I’m looking for in this life, which are love, joy, gratitude, comfort, security and many other feel-good feelings.  Here’s my short list.

  • I intend to stay aware of how I want to feel in the future and make daily choices to support it. Whether it’s work when I feel like watching tennis, exercise when I feel like watching tennis, clean the house when I feel like watching tennis, or just watch tennis because I need a rest, I intend to make that choice.


  • I intend to create and cultivate genuine relationships personally and professionally. One of my most surprising and favorite parts of becoming a real estate broker is the renewed and newly created relationships with people.  I love helping and serving and I also love real estate, so it’s a perfect match for me.  This includes a relationship with myself, which I haven’t always cultivated.  😊


  • I intend to find gratitude in each day and avoid taking offense. Perspective, my friend, is EVERYTHING.  I won’t go so far as changing my name to Pollyanna, but you can bet I’m looking for the good.

I’d love to hear your intentions for 2024.  Let me buy you coffee and let’s chat about it!