Uncategorized October 3, 2023

Pssst, I’ve Got a Secret…

STOP over-analyzing opinions regarding real estate, no one actually knows what’s going to happen!  Financial analysts, mortgage lenders, real estate gurus, news anchors and your very own real estate agents are all trying to figure out and advise on what’s going to happen to interest rates and the real estate market in general.  Everyone is guessing.  Yes, history repeats itself to a certain degree and we can take what’s happened in the past and make a more educated guess on the future, but it’s still a guess.

As long as this crazy world we live in is around, both expected and unexpected things are going to take place.  In 2008 poor lending practices, amongst other things, led to a huge crash in the real estate market.  Some could’ve expected that, but it was easy to get loans and buy.  As a result, many people experienced big losses, but others great wealth.  The recent pandemic led the real estate market into a frenzy, which was completely unexpected.  While many people were drawn by the historically low interest rates to buy, they grossly overpaid for their homes and now can’t get out.

There are “reasons” to buy/sell and “reasons” not to buy/sell in every market, and at every interest rate.  Its just like the decision to grow your family, or any other major life decision for that matter.  You could talk yourself in or out of it depending on what perspective you’re listening to.

Ask yourself (and only yourself), do I want to buy/sell?  Does it make sense for me and my family?  How about a good old-fashioned pros/cons list?

Real Estate is the best long-term investment you can make. At a 2% interest mortgage and also at a 10% interest mortgage, you will make money in the long run.  If you overpaid for the property or underpaid for the property, you will make money in the long run.  Making decisions of when to buy/sell based on your specific situation and timing will give you so much more peace of mind than being battered around by all these experts.  Do it when it’s right for you!  When that time does come, I’d love to help, just reach out!